
Top 5 Kisses

Everyone needs this. I definitely need this. So here it is:
The Top 5 Most Beautiful, Memorable, Impressionable, Lovely Kisses In All of Movie History

Starting at number 5:
An Affair to Remember. Nothing says romantic like a kiss with a stranger, when you're engaged. Plus she is a beautiful independent redhead. Nothing wrong with that.  (this photo is post kiss)

Number 4:
Ever After. The kiss of love. A prince and a peasant always equals the most juicy of juice kisses.

Number 3: Definitely Maybe. Alright this movie has 3 different lovely kisses with 3 different women. But the common factor? Is Ryan Reynolds. If only there were 4. And I was the 4th. Yum.
Number 2: Somewhere in time. Though his love for her verges on serious obsession, this kiss is so soft and wonderful. I die every time I watch this. In fact, I replay this scene multiple times. I'm so sappy. So what?

Number 1: This is the kiss of all movie kisses. From the french movie Amelie (watched it edited). It is so soft, so sultry, so unexpected, and with the perfect amount of build up. Now I'm no critic of kisses, but I know a good kiss when I see one, and this one is magnificent. Watch this scene. Some may disagree. But they are strangers and she has been looking for him for a long time. Watch the movie.

If you can't tell I've been watching a lot of chick flicks. In fact, the guys at blockbuster know my name. This is not a joke. And I always come in with no makeup and sweats on. So they probably think I just had a major breakup. Nah, I haven't. I don't even have an excuse for being this pathetic.
Love, Nicole

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