
Silly days


Have you ever just had one of those days? Where you are kind of angsty about everything? 
That was today.

So instead of sucking you into a pessimistic post, I will now list 10 positive things that happened to me today:

1} A really attractive gentleman waved at me today. (That was big on a day like today)
2} I was told I looked like a hot librarian.
3} I was told I looked skinny (!)
4} A boy told me I looked cute today during seminary.
5} I hung out with Livs, much fun.
6} I ate a jiffy puff nutella toast today. Yummiest ever. 
7} I changed my phone background to two giggling girls.
8} I used some Tide To Go out of a boy's fanny pack.
9} I danced in the SBO room, all by myself. 
10} I went to a thrift store today. And bought some amazing things.

So I guess I feel a little better. It might not be the bestest feeling, but this will change after this picture:

Bam. Much better. I feel like the world is a better place now.
But just one more would be cherries on top, or how I like to say "Cherries on the cake" Though you would rarely find a cherry on your cake. Aw.

So I hope your day is in tip top shape, because mine sure is now.

 I love my button collection. I love my bed. I love art. I love you.


Chinios, Part 1

Today's little topic is my old home, Zhonguo. Or China. It's been 3 years since I've been there, and I am almost at a point in my life where I can't really believe it happened. The 4 years I spent there changed my life.
It reminded me that not everything revolves around America, and that there is really so much to see out there. I really just needed to escape this prim and tidy little bubble of a nation I was in to really understand that there is so much, so much, out there.

Sorry for the gush, I just can' t help it. So I don't want you to interpret this as a brag, but merely a reason why you should go out there and see the world. China isn't the only country out there that is worth seeing.
I have been to a lot of different places, and lived in around 9 different places, but I still call China my home outside of home.
So here we go:

 This was a photo I took of Yellow mountain. The clouds were hugging the mountain, and it was like a zen palace up there. It totally helped me understand why Buddhists balance on their heads on the sides of mountains.
 We visited Hong Kong three different times, and I agree with the Chinese, it really is like a different country. If you like New York City, Tokyo, or London you would die in Hong Kong.
 I took this picture on in Suzhou , the city of pearls. I couldn't get over her wrinkles. I wish I could have captured this scene better. It was really beautiful.
 Here's another picture of Yellow mountain. I was so ill that day, I didn't want to go. Thank goodness my dad forced me to.
 That, my friends, is made out of snow. Its in Hanshan where they carve ice and snow into palaces with glowing lights and figurines. It's what I believe the North Pole should look like. It was lovely.
 This was in Indonesia. I still remember bending over the ledge of the cliff and seeing the frothy water on the bottom. The sky was crazy blue.

 This orangutan in my lap was the cutest creature I've ever seen. She hugged me for the longest time, and acted just like a baby. I really want a baby monkey. Bad.
 My mom took this picture. This was what so many of the Chinese lived in. And they all got around on bikes. I think that was part of the secret to why they were so skinny. A lot is genetics, but also how fit they have to be.
 They had little birdcages everywhere. These little songbirds were good luck. Old men would often walk their birdcage to the park and let it hang off a tree while they smoked and played mahjong.
These are just a few of the adorable orphans me and my sisters took care of. They were so cute. The foster home they stayed at was so beautiful.

Maybe I should make this part 1 of many. If this isn't interesting to you, then feel free to ignore these. I just can't help it though. I have to talk about how lovely it was.

And by the way, please, pretty please get a passport and travel. You won't ever never ever regret it. And I would love to here about your travels.

Ni ke ai

ps. Maybe, you just may want to know more. If you do, check out my mom's blog, all 4 years of more than you wanted to know most likely. Go ahead, please. Stalk me :)



Hey, Lady.
You're eyebrows look great.
At least you can see yours, mine are blonde. And look,
famous people have crazy brows too.

Ps. Go outside.



Words of brilliance. At eight years old, I probably would have said something more along the lines of:....Can't think of anything clever or similart to what an 8 year old would say,
 so we'll move on.
Raise of hands, who has crap they are dealing with right now? If you actually raised your hands I hope it was merely to check if your pits smelt not as sweet as they usually do.
I have a lot of hurdles right now, and you know what I am going to do?
Take a nap.
Like a famous musician once sang:
I want to change the world
Instead I sleep.

So me, Ingrid, and Maura know what's up. We know what you need. You need slumber.
And some love. Love hugs. So go get your mom, give her a hug, go in your room, put on your jammies, turn out that light, and snuggle with that curious george. Or whatever stuffed animal you have.
(I couldn't find a soothing picture of someone sleeping so I will now leave you with this picture of a rat. With a Bear? Creepy. But to all you's who like that...sleep well. And get help.)

Or how the french would say:
Faites de beaux rĂªves
(have sweet dreams)


Top 5

For Today's lovely post, I thought I might do another Top 5. Everyone loves a good list...Especially if that list is:
(this picture isn't the title, just applicable)

The Top 5 Most Awkward Things To Do Whilst At School Next to boys, Mostly.

Just ignore how long that title is. If you have any suggestions for a better way to word that, lemme know via comment. Or email. Or postcard. Or messenger bird.

Beeteedubs, this is all true. And it all happened to...anonymous. We'll call her Red.
Oh wait, that might give it away. aw.

(It's a countdown)

5)BASED ON TRUE STORY: You'll be talking to your friends about how shoes tell so much about a person. The group will be discussing and as an example you'll use crocks. You'll say how they are " an example of sturdy shoes, with little style effort, generally meaning this person loves comfort over looks, and that their air holes generally prevent sweat, most likely meaning they have stinky feet." You aren't usually so harsh. It's just that those haven't been worn for a couple of years. The boy in the group was wearing crocks. And you wore the color of red on your face for the next day. Slash whenever you saw him.
4) BASED ON TRUE STORY: Buy a binder with creepy cats playing with yarn just because you think it's funny, as well as a matching folder. Then proceed to pull it out in class, and when the person next to you looks at you weird, you try to explain.. "Huhuh, cat's right?.....It's my little sister's?" Yeah.Nice.Blame it on someone else.

3) ANOTHER TRUE STORY: Whilst looking at an animated picture, that most definitely DID look like the alligator was spanking the dolphin, turn to your hot guy to your left, and tell him your discovery. Oh, you can count on him looking at you weird for the rest of the year. And the next.

2) ANOTHER TRUE STORY: While in the bathroom at school, stand up, (because if you are awkwardly tall there is a really good chance they can see your eyes above the stall door) and ask the butch volleyball player if you could please have some toilet paper, whilst awkwardly laughing. (because if you try to make it a joke they might be nicer.Usually) Then continue to stand, even though she knows you're standing with your pants down, chuckling, while she takes another 45 seconds to wash and dry her hands. And still not saying anything. She will then give you a wad of toilet paper, oddly the size of a volleyball (she's probably most comfortable with that size) and say; "I didn't know how much you'd need." Well. oh, I see. I see how it is. Very rarely does someone need that much, and on those occasions I recommend not coming to school.

1) AND YET ANOTHER TRUE STORY, THE AWKWARD OF AWKWARDS: When in math class, turn to your guy friend behind you and ask if he understands what's going on, but whilst doing this, your little strap connecting your cups in your bra will snap. (This is aimed towards girl readers, boys included if you wear a bra) You will then quickly turn around and, and.....and. You don't know what to do. So the most logical thing would be to fold your arms, and try to hold it together. Literally. Your guy friend then asks what is going on, because you briskly turned around, and ignored him. When you try to pretend like nothing went down, he'll ask if you're praying. You'll get all weirded out, and try to tell him you are not.  And by saying this, I mean you will unfold your arms and lift them in the air "I'm not!". After about 2 maybe 4 long seconds later, you freak out and try to gather all that you have lost. Literally. Too late. He already saw. And by saw, I mean saw that it looked like you had 4, not 2. So you'll keep to youself for the rest of class. And probably a couple after. And you'll be glad that you were blessed with hills, not so much mountains.

Red. Er, I meant Nicole.


She's brilliante

Wait, what did Emma just say? That it's okay to wear clothes that cover and still be sexy?
Shut the front door.
Because girls, we're not alone.
love the Nicksta



Today is a day to honor what the Dutch call: Roodharigendag. Or for us who speak English, Redhead day. It is the first weekend of September, and I thought it was close enough to get into the spirit of things.

Even if you don't really want this, I will now force you to look at this hair color. Because I deem it worth your time.

Plus, I've been saving quite the build-up of redheaded pictures. So bare with us, that is, me and the redheaded nation, while we explain to you, through beauty, why gingers are brilliant. And why white skin is tolerable. Hey, they can't have everything.

Plus, I've even thrown in a picture of myself, so saying this isn't worth your time might possibly offend me. Not.

Let the Roodharigendag  celebrations commence!:

 Even though she most definitely isn't a true redhead, we'll make an exception for her awesome facial expression and vibrant bow.

PS: You knew I would. The best of the best for the last of our ginger experience:

I laughed for a good 3 minutes.


From beginning to end

So it was the first day of school today. And it wasn't so bad. Not that I was going into it with a negative attitude, but it wasn't positive either. And I actually enjoyed it. I sat on the "senior bench", which was nice. Because I could sit down and chatter at the same time! And some boys got hotter over break, and so did my body. I know what you are thinking, that I am conceded, but I actually mean my body was hot because of my SBO sweater. Lemme tell you, everything was 'a' sweatin. And I didn't have time to do my hair this morning, so it was up on top of my head. But other than that, I really did have fun.

In other news:
An awkward story:

I was sitting on a bench next to this boy. We've hung out with the same people, so that wasn't awkward.
He said "Up top", then I said "Down low," then we did the rock. After this elaborate handshake, I said:
"This is just the beginning." (my intent was to tell him our handshake would become extremely detailed by the end of the year.)

He looked at me weird and said, "Wow, that was forward."
I said. "Oh. Oooooh. Uh, yep that's what I meant. But also our handshake will improve."
He looked at me, laughed, then looked away.

I continued to talk to someone else, and put my hand down. Right on his. On accident. But directly after that odd encounter.

He said, " wow, you're really into me huh?"
I tried to handle this with class, and lady like demeanor so I said, "huhuh.(that's how you spell how I laugh) Oh, yes, yes I do."
I tend to be awkward. So I turned and talked to Miranda.

Anyways, here's a cool picture that I didn't take:
Have a great day, friends.


Lake Powell

Well hello, friends! I just returned from Lake Powell, so sorry about the blog pause. So I'm back and kind of sad. I realized I really enjoyed not wearing make up, even if my eyelashes and eyebrows were basically non existent. I also realized how much I love my family. Queue the heartfelt music. I also realized I would be completely content living in a trailer with my  future husband and travelling through National Parks. We'll both grow beards and eat jerky. Now that's hot.

So here are some amazing pictures, if you're into looking at pictures of me and my family, and a lake:

First off: A lovely picture of my first day sunburn. It was horrendously painful. And now I'm peeling. But the good news is that I am a tad tanner now that I'm back. Take notice of my sister's butt. She would hate me for this.

 This is my favoritest dog in the world, Coda, on one of my favoritist cousins, Karly. This was just 2 PrEsH
 Here is Rachel writing in her journal, most likely about me...or her boyfriend...but probably me.
 We found this sweet little cove, no one came in and bothered us. It was bliss.
 This is our house boat. I loved it. The whole lot of us slept on top. We were all squished. I probably ate at least 20 bugs a night. Tops, 40.
 I think my little brother took this, but I thought it was cool. Oh,and great news! I learned how to Slalom! I most likely didn't spell that right. Well I kind of learned, I got up, but could only stand up for a few seconds.  But if you see me talking to someone about this, keep it on the DL. Because I totally believe in exaggeration when it comes to skill. So What?
 This is my beautiful aunt, Kellee. I love her oh so much. Her and her husband are so cool. Maybe I'll hang a poster of them in my room. Oh, and here is yet another photo my sister would not be happy about. We love her though. Because she is beautiful. Even Beyonce has bad photos. Right? I'm sure. Maybe.
 This is me and Eli's futuristic castle. It was way cool. The chamber on the left is my home. So quaint, but not too showy, but big enough that the kingdom can see it. And the princes. They can see it too.
 Here's my daddy, doing laundry. A bar of soap and lake water was the closest we got to laundering and showering.

 Now for all of you animal activists and animal lovers, please don't look at these next pictures. And if you do, realize that I love Coda, he's one of my pals, and he is in a life jacket. This is safe. We thought. But we know now.

Here we are, strapping him in...so that he can....
 SKI!! look at my little Coda, skiing! This is such a precious moment for all of us. The houseboat closest to us were all looking at us, as they probably should. I got a video of it. I'll probably put it on Youtube. Anyways, so sweet yet probably so wrong. That's our family.
 And here is my parting picture: Me, with my eyes closed, the cutest little cousin ever, Jude, and Rachel, but a good photo of her.
I loved Powell, and I love you.



Go Play

You heard me. Hip Hip Horray, It's Saturday the Play Day!
Go make something
Or make someone smile
Or smell some flowers
Or eat something new
Go out to breaky with friends,
or learn how to make a paper lantern
or a cool headband.
At least do something.

So nope, this post isn't long, because I have important things to do. You see, I need to go play!




Just look at these:

Why did I make you look at pictures that were weird, and slightly revealing? well, that's my littlest brother Eli. He see's things differently. No, he's normal, no disabilities. More like a gift. He see's things in a unique and awesome way. For instance, his belly. Who else would find that view worth taking a picture of? Or is teeth? Kodak moment right there, let me tell you. He's so interesting. I wish everyone could come talk to him for a couple seconds. Oh, I forgot to mention his amazing nack at taking really unflattering pictures without you knowing.
Like this:

mmm, look at that face. Trust me, I was probably saying something really intelligent. Or smelling something really vulgar. Mostly both.

How about this one:

Wait, What did you just say? That I don't look my best in this?liar. I look amazing. So does my second chin.

And even though at this moment he is annoying me with this high pitched voice he does (I'm pretty sure just to bug me) I still love him. Because he's cool when he's trying to make a boat be electric by taping batteries to it, or making a trap in the bathroom that starts when a string connected to the door is triggered. So in a way, this is an ode to Eli, a fantastic, annoying, smart, and eclectic little beautiful brother.
